Rebuilding our Flash games: what you need to know

The Mission US series was originally developed in Adobe Flash, a platform that will be phased out by the end of 2020, but not to worry! We are in the process of rebuilding the several of the games in an updated Unity engine, meaning they will remain accessible and playable on web browsers after Flash goes away.
- For Crown or Colony? and Prisoner in My Homeland are already available in the new Unity engine. For Crown or Colony? is also available as an iPad app and downloadable PC and Mac applications, and Prisoner in My Homeland will be soon.
- A Cheyenne Odyssey and City of Immigrants are being rebuilt and should be available in Unity by early 2021. They will be available as iPad apps and PC and Mac downloadable applications soon thereafter.
- Unfortunately, we don’t yet have sufficient funding to rebuild Flight to Freedom or Up from the Dust, but we hope we will be able to do so in the future. Up from the Dust will remain available as a free iPad app and Windows 10 app. Flight to Freedom will remain available as a downloadable PC or Mac application, but may not work on up-to-date macOS as it is a 32-bit application.
We are committed to keeping Mission US free and accessible to teachers and students across the country for as long as we’re able to do so. Please feel free to reach out to us at with any questions.