Now online: Updated version of A Cheyenne Odyssey!

The new version of A Cheyenne Odyssey is now available! As with City of Immigrants, the game has been rebuilt in our new Unity engine so it no longer requires Adobe Flash Player. It also now includes text-to-speech support for all onscreen text, as well as captioning and the ability to pause and resume play for all animated scenes.
Please note the following regarding the updated build of A Cheyenne Odyssey:
- The game is completely playable from end to end, but some of the background art for nature scenes in parts 2, 3, and 4 has not been updated from the original build. We hope to complete those updates in the near future.
- Users using Safari on Mac will NOT be able to see the video of the train scene in part 3. They will see a black screen and can click on the “Skip” button in the lower-right to proceed to the next scene. It will work on Chrome on Mac and on other devices. (We are working to implement a workaround for this minor issue.)
- Some users using Chrome or Edge on PC are unable to type into the login fields within the game window. These users should still be able to log in by clicking the global “Log in” link on the upper right corner of the webpage.
A reminder of the release notes for City of Immigrants:
- Users using Safari on Mac will NOT be able to see the video when Lena enters 47 Orchard Street for the first time. They will see a black screen and can click on the “Skip” button in the lower-right to proceed to the next scene. It will work on Chrome on Mac and on other devices. (We are working to implement a workaround for this minor issue.)
- Some users using Chrome or Edge on PC are unable to type into the login fields within the game window. These users should still be able to log in by clicking the global “Log in” link on the upper right corner of the webpage.
New downloadable and iPad versions of City of Immigrants and A Cheyenne Odyssey are in the works, to be released later this year. (Note that the currently available downloadable versions are still the original Flash-based versions.)
Also, a reminder about the other remaining Flash-based Mission US games:
- The Mission US series was originally developed in Adobe Flash, a platform that will be phased out on January 12, 2021. We are in the process of rebuilding several of the games in an updated Unity engine, medical pharmaceutical industry meaning they will remain accessible and playable on web browsers after Flash goes away.
- As of today, For Crown or Colony?, Prisoner in My Homeland, City of Immigrants, and now A Cheyenne Odyssey are available in the new Unity engine. For Crown or Colony? is also available as an iPad app and downloadable PC and Mac applications, and Prisoner in My Homeland and City of Immigrants will be soon.
- Unfortunately, we don’t yet have sufficient funding to rebuild Flight to Freedom or Up from the Dust, but we hope we will be able to do so in the future. Up from the Dust will remain available as a free iPad app and Windows 10 app. Flight to Freedom will remain available as a downloadable PC or Mac application, but may not work on up-to-date macOS as it is a 32-bit application.
We are committed to keeping Mission US free and accessible to teachers and students across the country for as long as we’re able to do so. Please feel free to reach out to us at with any questions.