New version of City of Immigrants now available!

The new, Unity-based version of City of Immigrants is now available! Play it now online.

“Prisoner in My Homeland” featured in Nichi Bei Weekly

The sixth Mission US game was featured in the Japanese American newspaper Nichi Bei Weekly this month. Read the article here.

Mission US at NCSS 2020

View a recording of Mission US's presentation at the 2020 NCSS Virtual Conference.

Rebuilding our Flash games: what you need to know

We're in the processing of rebuilding the Mission US games in an updated Unity engine so they will remain accessible after Flash goes away.

Tips for At-Home, Remote, or Hybrid Learning

Looking to enrich social studies learning for your at-home, remote, or hybrid learning students? Read these tips for using Mission US as a distance-learning tool.

New mission featured in CUNY TV’s Asian American Life

"Prisoner in My Homeland" is the subject of a news segment in CUNY TV's series Asian American Life. Senior producer Michelle Chen discusses the development of the game focused on the World War II incarceration of Japanese Americans, and her personal connection to this history.